Mobile Application Development using React and NodeJs

Course Overview

Ionic has established itself as one of the most popular open source frameworks for building cross-platform mobile apps. In this course, Building Mobile Apps with Ionic 2, Angular 2, and TypeScript, you’ll see how to quickly get up and running with Ionic 2, and you will build a complete app from scratch over the duration of the course. The course will cover screen navigation, working with HTTP, and numerous Ionic 2 components including advanced scenarios.

Course content

  • Introduction to react
  • React components and JSX syntax
  • React project with react router 6 and bootstrap
  • Working with react hooks, components and creating pages
  • Mini projects
  • Setting up the Expo Development Environment
  • Generate authentication server
  • Working with APIs and Data in Expo
  • Mongo atlas, sendgrid, env and gitignore
  • State management, local storage, response and navigation 
  • Mini projects
  • Testing, Debugging, and Deployment with Expo
  • Protecting pages, routes, middlewares and axios configuration
  • Create task route, controllers, form, context and rendering tasks
  • CRUID tasks on middleware

Weeks: 8 Weeks    Hours: 40 Hours  

Do you want to be an expert mobile app developer using React & NodeJS? Enrolling with Emmakulate Systems Solutions will put you on the right path of becoming a mobile app developer.